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Warning! Flushing These Items Can Ruin Your Septic System

Many people don’t realize how fragile a septic system can be. If you are a new owner of a business or a residence it’s important to take good care of your septic system. A septic system that isn’t working properly or needs to be replaced is more than just an irritation. It can end up costing you thousands of dollars in repairs!

You can also end up with more serious problems than a clogged drain or tub. Back-ups from the toilet and the septic tank can cause sewage odors and even force the raw sewage back into your home or building which can be a health hazard.

Save yourself the trouble with a couple of easy tips. You should always be careful about what goes into your toilet as it affects your septic system. Here are a couple of things that should never be flushed down the toilet.

Wipes and heavy toilet paper.

Many people don’t realize that not all toilet paper is safe to be flushed down the toilet. A particularly old or over used septic tank can be more sensitive than others. Something like dyed, heavier toilet paper can even cause problems! To save you the headache use single ply white toilet paper at all times. Also, you should never toss any wipes down the toilet, not matter how they are advertised these are not able to break down enough in your septic tank.

Sanitary napkins and tampons.

No matter if you are dealing with a residence or a business you should never allow people to throw their sanitary napkins or tampons down the toilet. They simply aren’t able to break down and will cause major back-ups and clogs.

Hazardous chemicals.

The toilet is never a place to get rid of hazardous chemicals. Those should be disposed of properly and that is not in your home. You can end up killing off the good bacteria you need to help break down waste and you will also be contaminating your soil and water.

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