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What is Not Good to Pour Down the Drain?

The last thing you need is a septic emergency or a clogged drain caused by items that have no business in your wastewater system. We realize many of you are new to septic ownership and may not realize your daily habits can cause problems for your septic and plumbing. To help you out, we’ve compiled a quick list of items you should avoid washing down your drains.

  • Trash – It is not meant for your septic system, so make sure you put things like paper towels, kitty litter, feminine products and food in the garbage.
  • Toxic Cleaning Products – These are harmful to the natural workings of your septic system because they kill the good bacteria required to break down wastes. Use organic cleaning products instead.
  • Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) – Avoid pouring these down your drains because they harden and stick to your inner pipe walls causing clogs.
  • Food – No food particles should go down your drain, so make sure to scrape plates into the trash or feed leftovers to a pet.
  • Thick or Sugary Liquids – Substances like molasses are bad for your drains due to their tendency to stick to plumbing and cause obstructions.

Don’t Forget Preventative Maintenance
Along with taking responsibility for what goes down your drains, you also need to invest in preventative maintenance. This includes regular septic pumping every 1-2 years, and one of our professional technicians can evaluate your household use and tank’s capacity to give you the ideal servicing frequency. If you own a business, you may be required by law to have this done, so be familiar with local regulations and make sure your business is compliant. Other measures include drain cleaning, use of additives and periodic inspections. To get started on a customized maintenance plan, Contact Wind River Environmental today.

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