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Learn Why Garbage Disposals and Septic Systems are Not a Good Match

If you own a garbage disposal, you may have been misled into thinking it is perfectly safe to use if you also have a septic tank. After all, the garbage disposal grinds up everything before it can be harmful, right? That’s not exactly true. While it does indeed chop up food or other large solids into smaller pieces, these particles will not break down in the septic tank. Eventually, they make their way into your leach field causing clogs. If you use a garbage disposal and also have a septic tank, you should schedule service today. An experienced technician can provide you with service and walk you through your ideal maintenance options.

But I Love My Garbage Disposal
It’s true your garbage disposal is really convenient, and you may love it. But, do you also love spending thousands of dollars repairing your septic system? Probably not. The truth is, most people tend to throw all their junk into the garbage disposal instead of making the extra effort to use the trash can. Folks also make the mistake of pouring toxic chemicals down the drain to eliminate odors. If common household cleaners and other anti-bacterial agents enter your septic tank, they will kill the good bacteria that breaks down waste.

Simple Solutions

  • Throw trash in the trash
  • Consider feeding food scraps to your animals
  • Collect grease and toss it in the garbage instead of washing it down the drain
  • Use natural cleaners that are safe for septic systems such as vinegar and baking soda

Preventative Maintenance
Whether you have a garbage disposal or not, remember you still need professional pumping service if you have a septic tank.  The garbage disposal may increase the frequency of how often you need pumping, but let an educated technician evaluate your system and household habits to determine the right maintenance plan for you. You might also ask a septic professional about installing a filter. This can be placed on the outlet line of your septic tank to block larger solids like food and garbage. That way, if someone accidentally puts a hazardous item down the drain, it will be caught before flowing into the leach field. To learn more, Contact Wind River Environmental.

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