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What To Do (And What Not To Do) With Your Restaurant’s Septic System

Owning and running a restaurant is a lot of work, and as with any business, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Septic and plumbing problems can be some of the most costly, but they can be avoided by putting some easy actions into practice. Here are a few do’s and dont’s to keep wastewater issues at bay.


  • Have your septic and/or grease system inspected Make sure the technician cleans any traps and checks pumps, siphons, and other moving parts. If the system needs pumping or if anything needs repairs, address the problems as soon as possible.
  • Keep an accurate diagram of the system in a safe place for reference as well as up-to-date records of all services, repairs, and other maintenance.
  • Block off the outside liquid waste system and repair area and keep heavy equipment, livestock, and vehicles away. This is for easy access, to avoid damaging the tank, and to protect the leach field. When the soil becomes impacted by cars of construction, it can’t filter wastewater like it should.
  • Divert gutters, downspouts, and other surface water away from the leach field. Flooding the soil also keeps it from properly filtering wastewater.


  • Don’t flush unnecessary solids like coffee grinds, onion skins, and feminine hygiene products. Flushing chemicals found in harsh cleaners, solvents, and even paints destroy the microorganisms that treat the wastewater.
  • Don’t plant anything in the leach field besides Roots from nearby trees and shrubs can clog or damage the drains.
  • Don’t ever enter a septic or grease tank. Despite what you see on television, there is toxic gas in the tank that can hurt or kill you. That kind of maintenance really is best left to professionals.

DO RELY ON Wind River Environmental

Those of us at Wind River Environmental are committed to providing the best service and advice we can. These tips should help to keep clogs from disrupting your business while also extending the life of your restaurant’s septic system. For more information or to schedule any inspections or repairs, Contact Us.

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