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How Often Should Your Business’s Septic System be Pumped?

A cardinal rule of septic ownership is that you must pump out the tank on a regular basis. It is an essential part of the maintenance required to keep water flowing efficiently through your business, and failure to do so leads to costly repairs and a big mess. Let’s take a look at what occurs in your septic tank and see why pumping is so important.

Here’s What Happens
Wastewater from your business flows into the septic tank and divides into scum, effluent, and sludge. Scum consists of less dense waste that floats on top of the water, and sludge is solid waste that sinks to the bottom. The effluent is the liquid in between that leaves the tank and travels to the leach field. The sludge will build up over time and must be removed by a professional with a pump truck.

What Happens if I Don’t?
If the septic tank becomes too full, the wastewater has nowhere to go and flows back into your kitchen or bathrooms. Additionally, when the sludge is not removed, the effluent layer becomes too small to facilitate the separation process. Scum and solids then go with the effluent to the leach field instead of remaining in the tank. This is bad news because you will develop clogs in the leach field which are difficult to remedy. In severe cases, you may have to excavate and replace the pipes.

How Often?
Don’t suffer the consequences of clogs and disastrous backups by neglecting pump service. The professionals at Wind River can evaluate your company and determine the right frequency for having your tank pumped. The average for a business with high water consumption is every 1-2 years, and there are often regulations mandating how often a business must have its septic tank pumped. Regardless, it is more than worth it to keep your business running smoothly. To learn more about septic pumping and other maintenance services, Contact Us.

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