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Septic Issues: Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions

When a Good Septic System Goes Bad

Over 1/4 of all homes in the United States rely on septic systems for healthy, hygienic disposal of household sewage. When maintained properly, our septic systems do their jobs so well that we don’t even notice them! They are underground, out of sight, out of mind, so invisible that we may take them for granted. But when there are septic system issues, the consequences and the assault on our eyes and noses are impossible to ignore.

Septic Failure Symptoms

  • Unsightly wastewater at the ground surface
  • Foul smells invading the house and property
  • Backups and slow draining tubs and sinks
  • Toilets which refuse to flush properly
  • Severe backup in the lowest level of the home

These are all symptoms of severe septic system issues. According to this article at Farm and Dairy, even lush vegetation can be a sign of an out-of-control septic system. If you’re experiencing the signs of septic system failure, it’s important to take quick action to avoid contaminating your property as well as the groundwater resources of your neighbors and quite possibly the entire community. The good news is that Wind River Environmental is ready to provide professional solutions for your septic system troubles.

Keeping Your Septic System in Shape: Get Pumped

Frequent septic tank pumping is the first and most important step to take in maintaining a well-functioning septic system. Sludge, the solid heavy layer in sewage, is impossible to avoid, and the septic tank’s job is to capture it and prevent it from spreading to the drain field.

Sludge which makes its way out of an unpumped tank can clog the entire septic system from the distribution box to the perforated pipes in the drain field which are only intended to distribute the liquid or effluent layer of waste. Sludge needs to be properly and responsibly disposed of, for environmental protection as well as to prevent costly septic system replacement. Regular pumping of the tank is the best solution.

Preventing Septic Issues

The Environmental Protection Agency has provided some good common sense guidelines for keeping your septic system in good working order. The most important fact to bear in mind is that your septic system is not a trash can. Never flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper down a toilet. Don’t FOG your septic system with Fat, Oil, or Grease at the sink drain. They make look like liquids when hot, but these potential cloggers can be a nightmare for pipes and grease traps when they cool off and solidify.

A little septic smart knowledge goes a long way, so make sure everyone in your household is aware of these simple steps so you don’t have to deal with major septic issues!

Having any septic issues? Contact us!

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