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3 Things to Know About Septic Tanks in Warmer Weather

Water consumption in the summer tends to be higher than in other seasons. Swimming pools need to be filled, water parks are open for business and plants need more water. Your kids are also out of school for summer vacation which means they are at home using the toilet and playing in the sprinklers. Is your septic tank ready for this increased use? Read on for some tips to help you, as a septic owner, survive the summer.

Spread Out Water Use
You don’t want to overload your septic system by using too much water at one time. Things like washing machines, dishwashers and baths use a lot of water. Try to spread these out, so you don’t stress your system in one 24-hour period. Try doing one load a day instead of 5 loads in one day. Also, be aware of the effects of summer showers. These have potential to flood your system, so if your forecast is calling for heavy rain, try to limit water use.

Know Where Your Septic System Is Located
Summer is a great time to be outdoors, and you may decide to install an above-ground pool, swing set or patio. Make sure you know where your septic system is located and keep these structures away from it. Anything heavy like vehicles, trees or storage sheds can damage an underground septic system.

Don’t Fret Over Brown Grass
We get a lot of calls from customers who see dead grass around their septic tank during warmer months, and they think there could be a problem. This is generally just caused by gases and is not an indication of septic failure.

Regular Maintenance
You should be employing preventative maintenance in all seasons, but especially during months of high water consumption. Go ahead and have your septic pumping done before the summer parties and storms begin. We also recommend annual inspections to catch those unforeseen issues. For more tips on summer septic maintenance, Contact Wind River Environmental.

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