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Do’s and Don’ts: Septic Tanks and Pools

Like septic tanks, pools require maintenance to operate at maximum efficiency. Their seemingly complicated natures lead many homeowners to ask the same question; can you put in a pool with a septic tank? With some research, it’s easy to manage both at the same property. Whether you’re looking to buy a home on septic or you’re thinking of adding a pool to your home, knowing how to keep both safe saves you time and money over time. Septic tanks and pools commonly coexist, however, there are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when you have both.

Septic Tanks and Pools

Do: Start with an Inspection

home septic inspection should be the first step when adding a pool to your property. From both a safety and feasibility standpoint, it’s important to know the status of your septic system and how a pool factors into your yard. This is especially crucial for identifying where you’re unable to place the pool or backwash pipes, which risk saturation or erosion when placed near a drain field or leach field.

This inspection identifies vital components including the distribution box, the pump housing, lift stations, and any septic feature that a pool would interfere with. Not only does an inspection protect your septic system underground, but it also helps with proper planning for necessary pool components.

Don’t: Build Without Locating Your Septic System 

If you’re in the process of adding a pool to your yard, it’s dangerous to begin building without knowing where your system is located. Building a deck or the pool itself above the septic tank or septic cover creates issues when septic service providers need access to pump your tank. Your pool should be far enough away that it doesn’t interfere with septic cover access or block the truck from reaching your cover. In-ground pools can’t be built over the pipes leading to your septic tank, which makes this process crucial for avoiding disasters.

In addition to avoiding blocking or covering vital parts of your septic system, check your local regulations regarding pools and septic systems. Some towns or cities require pools—both above and in-ground—to be set a certain number of feet away from your leach field. If you can’t find your local regulations, your local septic service provider is knowledgeable on these requirements.

Do: Utilize Septic System Additives 

Similar to how your pool needs chemicals to operate at full efficiency, your septic tank needs the same attention. The bacteria that break down solids occasionally need to be replenished when soaps, disinfectants, and detergents make their way into the septic tank. Septic system additives are a simple way to ensure everything is running smoothly. Just ask your local septic service provider about them during your next pumping.

Chlorine is crucial for eliminating bacteria in your swimming pool, but its anti-bacterial properties are harmful to your septic system. Draining your pool too closely to the tank risks killing some of the helpful bacteria that break down solids and helps the system run smoothly. Using these septic system additives helps counter the potential negative impact of chlorine accidentally getting into your system. 

Don’t: Hesitate to Call Wind River Environmental

Both above and in-ground pools require some research before installing, especially when working around a septic system. Luckily, you aren’t on your own when making these decisions. Wind River Environmental serves over 16 states on the east coast, with knowledgeable and helpful technicians to guide you through the process. If you have a septic tank and are looking to install a pool for next summer, call us at 1-800-499-1682. If you have any questions about keeping your seasonal property’s septic system healthy, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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